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Vorstellungsgespräche für: Sky MISSING VALUE

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  1. Vorstellungsgespräch für eine Beschäftigung als Apprentice Software Developer

    Anonymer Mitarbeiter in Brentwood, England
    Kein Angebot
    Neutrale Erfahrung
    Schweres Gespräch

    Ich habe mich online beworben. Der Vorgang dauerte 3 Wochen. Vorstellungsgespräch absolviert im Nov. 2023 bei Sky (Brentwood, England)


    Pros: I believe there were 3 or 4 stages. I had only completed 2 assesments, the initial assesment and coding. The first assesment which was more psychometric tests and iq was pretty straightforward, I lked the reasoning/iq part because it was quite original and nothing I have seen before. The task was to find a password having in mind several attempts made already which had letters that matched the correct password. You had to find the correct password given the made attempts and several other words that havent been attempted yet.

    Cons: After the inital assesment I waited couple of days and then I got invitation to the next stage which was coding. The problem with this part was that it wasnt very clear from the email that this would be the next stage and also wasnt clear how much time did it require to complete. The questions were quite difficult for an appretice that only had GCSE's and no coding backgroud. There were some interesting questions and I had some coding experience before and was able to complete partially all 3 of them and yet still did not pass through. It does count the times you click out of window so I was careful when I was trying to google since I was not sure what implication it will have.


    - Q1. parse some numbers and get max sum of numbers with ending digits same - Q2. Create api call with endpoint and a query that would return specific values -Q3. Create specifit layout in CSS( not going in to detail

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